Sunday, August 30, 2015

15 Facts About Me!

Good morning, sweethearts!

I thought that it would be great if I add a little bit of personal into my blog. Today, I'll quickly mention 15 facts about me, so you better understand who I am and maybe you could relate to that!

1. I date with my boyfriend for 2 years and we see each other every single day

2. My top university choice is McMaster University - Health Sciences program

3. My second university choice is UofT Mississauga - Biology for Health Sciences program

4. I have two female cats: black (Chanel) and grey (Niki)

5. I am from Crimea and my first language is Russian

6. I immigrated to Canada with my parents almost 5 years ago

7. I'm in school for 13 years, because I went to school when I was 5 y.o., but Canadian School Board didn't allow it, so they placed me a year back + Canada has 12 grades instead of 11, like in Ukraine

8. I'm in the Christmas mood for at least 7/12 months in a year

9. I'm in the student council for the upcoming school year

10. My hobbies that are not related to studying are: interior design, driving at night with my boyfriend and doing volunteer work

11. My current hobbies that are related to studying are: reading scientific or medical encyclopaedias, going to campus tours and open houses and writing my blog, of course!

12. I only completely read 5 fictional books, according to the school curriculum, because fiction makes me very depressed

13. I have almost 400 volunteer hours and I'm aiming for 500 by the end of October

14. I absolutely adore sushi and Thai food

15. I never ever drink alcohol, because I don't understand it's purpose (except medical purposes, of course)

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