Saturday, January 23, 2016

Exam-Prep in 4 Days

Hey guys! 
There are some exams coming up for me, and maybe, there are some for you too, and today I wanted to talk about a 4-day exam prep sample schedule. Since I don't know what subjects you're taking, and what is your current grade, I will try to be as general and as helpful as I can:

Day 1: 
- Actively work through all your notes (refresh your memory; post questions on the stuff that you don't remember; highlight; redraw diagrams; etc.)
That activity is very important and should take you approximately 5-7 hours to do. Certainly, divide your work throughout the day accordingly. The most important part of it, is coming up with questions for the stuff you do not remember. It works like a sample exam and will let you productively study from it. If you are given the sample exam or an overview of the topics, then still do the questions, according to your overview/sample exam topics. 

Day 2:
- Go through every unit/topic in details (re-answer questions; re-do the tests and activities; etc.).
This time, you must focus on details (especially, if it is a multiple choice exam). Make sure to mark up the questions which you did not answer and rewrite them onto your question sheet made in Day 1. In terms of the timing, it can take you up to 1-3 hours per unit.

Day 3:
- Do your self-written practice exam
Just answer all of the questions in as much details as you can. Don't be afraid to mark up anything that you didn't remember, because that would be the material that you will best remember on the exam once you correct it. Depending on the exam, it can take you up to 3-5 hours to work through it.

- Finish everything up
This is a very important day, so I decided to divide it into the time-frames.
- Make sure you have gone through all topics required for the exam
- Correct/Polish your practice exam
- Make a 1 page study sheet for the stuff that you did not remember and try to learn it as actively as you can
- Revisit your practice exam and re-do the questions you had exceptional difficulties with
    Late Evening:
- Skim through your notes
- Reread the practice exam
- Make sure you've learned what was on that condensed study sheet

Don't forget to leave a day free before your actual exam for some rest, and then, just repeat the stuff you did in the late evening of Day 4. 

The best of luck with your exams, sweeties! 

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