Monday, September 26, 2016

Time Management in University

Hi, everyone!

By the 3rd week of university, I can certainly say that I have no weekends. It's not too bad, though...This blogpost will describe my homework and extracurricular schedule, as well as I will get into some tips on how to manage your time wisely.

Firstly, it is important not to burnout, because if a person never has time off, it is very likely to occur. I am not nearly at this point yet, and here is why:

I distributed all my homework among 6 days of the week. For example, on Monday I will primarily focus on Physics and Chemistry, on Tuesday - Biology and some Chemistry, Wednesday - Chemistry only, etc. It is important to immediately evaluate which subject requires the most amount of time.  

I of course keep a planner, and I write my every plan down, but since I won't always take it out of my backpack as soon as I remember to note something, I have a to-do list of my phone which I also regularly check. It's important to plan for the week ahead on Sundays, but also, plan daily for anything that will come up during the week. 

Do not underestimate or overestimate your business. If you are not using a planner, you might not realize how much catching up you must do, but if you end up having a lot of thing do to - don't worry - nobody died in undergrad yet :)

To manage your time effectively during the day, and particularly the weekends, I suggest choosing the right time and place. For instance, there is no way I can do my homework at home in Toronto during a sunny day, but I will be able to focus perfectly during the rainy one. Since I can't make the rain, I will start my day with a soothing pamper routine, and once my body is relaxed - I can perfectly focus. It's all about listening to what your body wants. 
If we are talking about the weekday, what you can do really depends on your academic timetable, but I suggest studying as much as you can during the day to leave the time off for the evening.

Definitely, prioritize your tasks. That does not mean throw them out of your to-do list - that means don't spend to much time on them. For example, I have to read the research articles of my professors. I won't do it until everything that I planned for the day is complete and I have some extra time. Make a goal though, to still finish your weakest priorities during the week

The reason why I said I have no weekends is because I work the entire day on Friday and otherwise, I would have that time off. I do study from Monday to Saturday, though, and I still can't say I'm very tired. Often, since I do my homework on campus most of the time, I don't have anything to do past 8-9pm. 

Also, try not to procrastinate because your organism will be exhausted and the longer you procrastinate, the more tired it'll be. 

Good luck! 
not my picture


Unknown said...

Thats Such an Amazing Plans!
It made me realize that by planning thingsout actually works!
I always plan and never follow I am falling behind
And now I am so Stressed because the amount of material i have to know for the midterms are endless
All my midterms are brefore the reading week
Plus the weekly online assignments quizes are still running for the new concepts during the midterms
My real problem is that I fall behind reading the first 3 weeks because I got sick immediately
And had flue for almost a week which mademe not able to focus at all neither in class or studying
With the amount of new stuffwe are taking I was exahusted and I could't catch with the past materials/
I have Calc Bio Chem Phy and PSychology
Calc is going fine
Bio I was satusfied with my first term5% of my total course load however I get to do a second term thats worth 30% ealry Novemeber- I went to the prof office hour talked to him and he gave me some tips
-Chemistry is going fine my midterm is this weekend
-Physics is so bad I don't even know what The prof do in class because She does really do anything And All of us are confused however I am still able to do the assignments and quizes online however it takes me way longer that usual to get what is going I know I need to Look at the book And refer however I have been lazy to do so
And finally Psychology is another story! I am behind in 3 chapters and it takes me forever to finsih one and I seem to make it hard on myself
So I will try the flashcad technique and I will re-organize my notes hopefully I will get there before my midterm!
I actually wanted to say that I am so over-stressing and I will follow your tips hopefully I will achieve there:) Thank You so much!

Unknown said...

Awe, thank you so much for your support! I completely understand you!!!!

Well, my first month also didn't go exactly as planned, and Chem so far is my biggest problem.
What we don't get taught in high school is how to study so independently, and then when we're off to university we are lost is the amount of material we have to study, and all of those endless resources. The question is: where to begin?
So the most detailed source of info is the best place to start. For me (and probably you as well) it is the textbook. So the best way to re-organize your notes is based on the textbook, and then add whatever is presented in modules and lectures, because whatever is presented there is like an emphasis, but it doesn't matter that the textbook material won't be tested!
People often ask "how much of that do we have to know?" and I always want to say "EVERYTHING", because if we know everything, there's really nothing else to worry about. We just have to work on HOW to actually learn everything! That's what I'll focus on in my future blogs ;)

Hope it helps
Best wishes,

Why are you not doing as good as you wish you did?

Hey guys! The semester got a little crazy, so this blog post is going to be rather short. That being said, I hope it will bring some light...