Thursday, October 8, 2015

How To Prepare for Post-Secondary Education While In Grades 11&12

Hey guys!

I thought it will be appropriate to write a post dedicated to the preparation for the post-secondary education. We all tend to forget that the time flies, and we don't pay attention to the application process coming up, or a subject selection...
Here, you'll find some academic and casual tips on how to get ready now!

1. Save

Save anything you could! But we are not only talking about the money, we are talking about materials. Save your notebooks/books/notes or whatever you used to study from. The first year of you post-secondary education will be mostly composed of your grade 11-12 material, so just in case you'll need to review - you have all the materials!

2. Buy

If there's a holiday coming up, or you just have too much extra money, buy something for the post-sec. This tip is fantastic if you are moving out from home, as you could get some home supplies! Even if you're living at home, think about something that you'd want touching, or just buy whatever you actually need (notebooks, cases, bags etc.)
You could also tell your siblings and friends to get you something for uni/college as a gift for a certain holiday!

3. Get Involved

Get involved at your school! This will not only make your life a bit more interesting, but you will: 
a) learn a bunch of new skills 
b) universities will be most likely to accept you!
For instance, I am a peer tutor at my school. I have a team of enthusiasts who have great marks, and they will be helping other students. My tutors will be getting a recommendation letter sent to the guidance office, some volunteer hours, and of course they will practice their leadership skills and review whatever material they are tutoring. 
You could be involved in anything you want, but if your school doesn't offer a particular club - then create it yourself! Even more advantages there!!!

4. Volunteer

If you already chose a field of interest, volunteer there - and see if you really like it! If you do, well then, you could mention it while applying to your programs; but if you don't - learn from that experience and change your educational path a bit! + you'll get volunteer hours of course!
Remember, that you are trying to aim from 40+ volunteer hours; not 40...
That's because you don't want to be viewed as a student who just wanted to "get it over with"

5. Get to Know Your Teachers

If you'll get to know your teachers while in a small classroom community, you will have an opportunity to:
a) practice that skill before post-sec
b) ask for a letter of recommendation
c) ask your teacher about his/her educational path and learn from it
Your teachers are there for you! 

6. Subject Selection

If you are in grade 10-11-12, you have to understand how important the subject selection is. Especially, if you haven't decided with a field of study.
First of all, figure out what you really don't like. How could you do that? By trying it out! In grade 11, take all courses possible! 
Then, if you are sure of what you really don't want to do, select the subjects from the other spectrum. And study that to the best of your abilities!
What I would personally suggest, is choosing a grade 12 math and at least one of the sciences (even if you are a humanitarian). This is because you will:
a) be more well-rounded
b) learn certain skills from the other subjects (math - paying attention to details)
c) have the prerequisites for other areas, in case you change your mind!

Good luck! 

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Why are you not doing as good as you wish you did?

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