Saturday, October 10, 2015

Read This if You Consider Yourself Busy

Hey, love

The school curriculum is fast-pased, and we quickly have to adjust to it. Often, we have some extracurriculars to deal with as well. So, we become, as we say, very busy. 

But, how busy are we, actually?

Let's say we are at school. We attend classes/lectures. We probably just sit there and take notes, or something. But we can do much more! When you're taking notes, simultaneously work through them, by highlighting or summarising them, for example. That will help you save some time before the test. Then, we have lunch, or a break. We are eating, chating with our friends, but we could have done a little piece of work at that moment.

Then, we commute home. It's either the public transport, or we get driven/drive home. We most likely listen to the music. Although, we could have done some other type of work. Listen to the audio book, or review the notes from the class....

We come home. We have dinner. Maybe, we have some extracurriculars. We chat with our friends, check out our social websites....and then, we realise that we have a ridiculous amount of work. And we, hopefully, start doing it. After every bit of work, we take our breaks.    When we work though, we unintentionally, occasionally disturb ourselves with something. Then, we end up falling asleep very late.We wake up tired. And we complain about how busy we are to our friends and family.

But are we?...

It all comes down to our productivity. If you want to evaluate how busy you actually are, create and strictly follow a to-do list for a week or so. Then, see if you are feeling any different.
You are obviously going to be more tired at first, but much more accomplished. In a few weeks, if you continue with that trend, the fatigue will slowly disappear.

Like Thomas Edison said: “Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence and honest purpose, as well as perspiration.Seeming to do, is not doing 

By the way, if you'd really be busy, you wouldn't find the time, to read this blog post ;)

P.S. Don't stress over it too much, because every one of us has a way to go in terms of our efficiency. But we should make it better, and it will definitely increase our standard of living! 

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