Thursday, July 21, 2016

10 Things To Do Before Starting Your Freshman Year

Hi guys!
I thought, why not write about 10 things I think it is very important to get done during the summer before freshman year. For the majority of us, it is the beginning of our adult lives, our careers, or it is a stepping stone towards professional or graduate schools. Never-the-less, here we go:

1. Clean Up and Organize Your Electronic Devices
This is a very important step for a few reasons:
- free up some storage space
- relive those moments captured in pictures
- update the software

2. Set Goals
It's nice to go into the first year knowing what your specific goals are; and it doesn't have to be grades, necessarily. You can make a little list of 5 goals or so, and draw down a brief plan of achieving them.

3. Try Something Completely New
It's crucial to gain new experiences and learn new skills from it. Even if you won't like the activity as much, you will still be enriched with certain usable skills.

4. Finish Up The Forgotten
If you didn't finish reading a book, or perhaps, didn't apologize for something you did - it is the perfect time to do that. You will feel free and accomplished and that is the best feeling you can experience!

5. Go To The Vacation/Visit Places
Sometimes humans need a change of atmosphere, so it's great to create a nice little memory by visiting places and learning more about their culture. You will also become a little more well rounded since you will see (or even experience) other, unusual to you living conditions.

6. Learn About Yourself
There are a lot of things you can plan on learning about yourself, and here is a short list I came up with:
- Productivity Levels
- Endurance
- New Skills
- New Interests

7. Try Something You Don't Think You'd Like
I actually never thought I will enjoy being a cashier, but I truly do. In my last blogpost, I've described 10 things I learned while being a cashier, so I'm very grateful for my job. Having said that, I think you should try breaking some borders of your predictions, and do whatever it is you thought you won't like. Be safe, though.

8. Earn Money
Money, even in small amounts, will boost your confidence since you get the capability to afford something by yourself. If you feel up to it, you can also save up some money to donate to certain establishments in need, or buy a gift for your parents or your special someone. It is also a fabulous idea to just save, because trust me - there is never enough money.

9. Spend Time With Your Parents and Friends
Those few months you will spend living with and enjoying your parents may be your last opportunity to spend that much time with them (especially, if you're moving out). Make sure you appreciate their presence and give them as much attention as you can during your summer break.

10. Celebrate!
The way you celebrate is very relative, but celebrate he fact that your adult life is right around the corner as hard as you can. My celebration will certainly be going to a vacation with my boyfriend and visiting some new places in Canada!

Good luck, loves!

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